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Since the beginning of the war, we have been looking for and delivering equipment to Ukrainian Army Forces in the hottest spots to prevent russian aggression and save the lives of the Ukrainian people.
How we work
Our course of action: from getting a request to receiving it by our forces
We receive information from our soldiers from the Armed Forces, the National Guard, and the Troops about the necessary equipment
We prioritize all needs by urgency level "needed yesterday", "needed now" and "will be needed soon"
We reserve available funds according to priorities and actively search for funding if not
We find, negotiate, order, and buy what is required
We deliver to the place where our fighters will be able to pick up the equipment


We constantly order wherever we find:
stocks of tourniquets CAT 7 or SICH
encrypted walkie-talkies Motorolla 4400 \ 4600 \ 4800.
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